
Cabling, whether it be data, telephone or general electrics, is an important component to any facility.  As technology advances so must the back of house network of cables to support such a change.  Whether it be the installation of a new CCTV network or maglock doors throughout a site to make it secure, Stadium Support Services is on hand to assist.

Data Cabling

In this era of technology, the requirement to run data cabling has never before been in such demand.  Our teams are able to work with your IT department enabling us to carry out simple projects such as adding additional workstations in an office through to more complex projects such as installing data cabling for external turnstiles with barcode scanners.

Core Hole Drilling

A lot of cable management firms when they encounter any drilling that needs to take place tend to outsource rather than carry out the works themselves.  At Stadium Support Services we carry out all our own preliminary works such as diamond core drilling which helps reduce the final cost to our clients and allows us to retain total accountability for the project.  Core hole drilling is not just limited to electrics; we have recently used the technique at Twickenham Stadium to install a series of drainage holes within the tiered seating bowl to deal with adverse weather.

Power Management

There is a reliance on power for any site to function, from installing standard 13amp sockets for additional users internally through to installing additional yachting points for external power.  It is vital when working with temporary power setups that public safety is kept at front of mind; this includes consideration of the power supply itself in the form of electrocution, as well as trip hazards from surface cabling and blocking fire escapes from poor cable management.

Poor cable and power management can cause downtime within venues or in extreme cases danger to workers and the public.  The approach at Stadium Support Services is to carry out all works ourselves, reducing the risk of any mistakes by external contractors.